My name is Ian Cutmore and welcome to my wildlife picture site.
I also run a Guinea Pig Hotel at
I created this site to show pictures & video of walks around our beautiful countryside in Norfolk.
On the ‘Walk posts’ page, you will find pictures maybe videos, that include a small description of where it was taken and with what camera, lens or lenses I used at the time.
You are very welcome to use my pictures and videos anyway you wish, but please help me by donating what ever you can using the donation link at the bottom of the page. This will help me continue putting this content up and to the best quality I can. On our walks we have started litter picking as we go, helping keep our walks the best they can be, so please do not litter our beautiful country side and our motto with wildlife is ‘observe but do not disturb‘.
On each page you will find a comment section, please comment good or bad that is how we learn.
If you want any further information or would like to join us on our walks, comment or contact me using the contact me page.
The posts start from 09/11/2020 when I got my first camera and lens hopefully you will see the pictures improve? I have put names on the wildlife pictures but am no expert so if I have named any wrong please let me know.
How to use the Gallery
- Above on the top right you will see the pages ‘Walk Posts’ this is a list of all the walks.
- On the right hand side of this page you will see the ‘Recent Posts’.
- On the ‘Walk Posts’ page you will be met with a list in date order.
- Pick one.
- Click on ‘Look at media’ in green.
- This will bring up thumbnails (below will be page numbers if they don’t all fit on one page, you can only advance one page at a time).
- Below will be a ‘view slideshow’ link which will allow you to watch as a slideshow if you like.
- While in slideshow you will get a view thumbnails below so you can go back at any time.
- If you want to pick a picture just click on it.
- It will open and an arrow right and left will appear to advance or go back. (these are high quality up-to 6000 x 4000 pixels so it may take a while depending on your system).
- If you double click the image it will expand and double clicking again will bring it back.
- To download just right click with PC’s and Ctrl-Click with Mac and save pic to download.
- Why not then get it printed and put it on your wall or they make great screen savers or back drops!
- I have no affiliation with the link above just a thought!